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Accentuate your home décor with classy wall clocks

Wall clocks are usually considered as boring and old-fashioned decorative pieces. However, if chosen wisely, they can take the style quotient of your home décor to a whole new level. Interior designers at Janaharsha Estates ‘N’ Constructions have come up with some great ideas to revamp your walls with these functional assets.

  1. Play with the time zones

If you have family members living in different parts of the world or if you simply want to try something creative, you can place a cluster of clocks on your wall with each clock set in a different time zone. Your guests would certainly be intrigued by it.

  1. Unity in diversity

On a light colored wall, you can place clocks of different shapes and sizes in the form of an asymmetric cluster or an organized pattern. According to the interior designers at Janaharsha, this pattern of clocks would pose as a big art piece and would certainly draw the attention of whoever enters your living room.

  1. Try minimalism

Instead of investing in several clocks, you can also invest in a single statement piece that matches the décor theme of your living room. You can get anything from an antique wooden clock to a modern sleek clock with a steel frame. Whatever you get, make sure the piece is chic enough to be the centre of all attention.

  1. Give a personal touch

Wall clock personalization has become quite popular in the modern times. Home décor experts at Janaharsha suggest getting wall clocks personalized using photographs of family members to add warmth to your home. Alternatively, you can use the snaps of the cities you have travelled to for getting your wall clock modified. It would be a perfect showcase for your adventures.

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